PatentsCompany > Patents
- 2008 ~
- 11 Applied for the patent for the manufacturing method of the surface lubrication
- treatment agent that is used for the warm forging of steel and the hot and the hot
- and warm forging of non-ferrous metals
- [Application No. 10-2008-01842]
- Applied for the patent for the manufacturing method of the surface Iubrication
- treatment agent that is used for the hot and warm forging
- [Application No. 10-2008-018423]
- 06 Certified for the participation in the ECO-projeets in the local area
- 2007 ~
- 11 Acquired the patent for the coating method of the paint for the metal compinents
- [ Patent No. 10-0781995 ]
- Acquired the patent for the coating method of the paint for the components
- [ Patent No. 10-0781994 ]
- 07 Acquired the patent for the composites of the metal soap Iubrication treatment
- agent for the cold forging [ Patent No. 10-0736596 ]
- Acquired the-patent for the manufacturing method of the agent for the chemical
- coating treatment of alumi-num materials [ Patent No. 10-0736595 ]
- 05 Acquired the patent for the composites of the white-colored surface Iubricant for the
- cold forging, which helps save energy and keep it clean
- [ Patent No. 10-0717209 ] [ Patent No. 10-0717211 ]
- Acquired the patent for the composites of the Iubricant for the cold forging, which
- helps save energy and keep it clean [ Patent No. 10-0717209 ]
- 04 Acquired the patent for the composites of the chemical coating agent for the cold
- forging of titanium materials [ Patent No. 10-0712627 ]
- 01 Certified for the ISO/TS 16949 quality system
- 2006 ~
- 11 Acquired the patent for the manufacturing method of the surface Iubri-cation
- treatment agent to be used for the cold forging process [ Patent No. 10-0643781 ]
- 08 Selected as one of the promising small and medium companies in Inchen
- 2005 ~
- 05 Acquired the patent for the composites of the mild-temperature thick layer of
- chemical coating [ Patent No. 10-0582664 ]
- 2001 ~
- 01 Acquired the patent for the method for treating the surface of metal with
- phosphate chemical coating [ Patent No. 0324089 ]